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Still in my torn garment and robe, I fell to my knees with my hands outstretched to the LORD my God, and said, "My God, I am too ashamed and hurt to turn to you, because we're in our iniquities over our heads. Speaker: Kevin Shoemaker // Series: Prayer // Passage: Numbers 14:1-19. - When Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed. Real Repentance - Ezra 9:6-15. I need and want Your forgiveness. (Something interesting about the Bible, Daniel chapter 9 is such a prayer. The people join Ezra in confession and repentance in the first part of chapter 10( 10:1-17 ), and the book closes with a list of those who had married . What modern-day application(s) do you think we can make?

Genesis 42. Floyd's prayer and fasting, on . At the time of the evening sacrifice, he offers up a prayer to the LORD. God raised Ezra to return back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and restore worship in His house. God honored their obedience with a spiritual revival! Ezra was both a scribe and a member of the priestly tribe, a descen-dant of Eleazar. restoration of God's people. Nehemiah's Prayer Daniel's intercessory prayer is a good primer on how we can intercede for others in accordance with the will and purposes of God. Ezra had discovered that many of the leaders of the people had continued in the very sins that had brought about the captivity in the first place; and he prayed a . God can reveal idols in our hearts but they won't be removed unless we repent. Ezra's godly example gave him the authority to instruct the people on repentance and restitution before God. Ezra, it seems, was referring to God's promise in Deuteronomy 18:15, 18, 19, 11.Let God in His Word tell you what to pray for, rather than letting the circumstances we find ourselves in and the needs of the day set the agenda for prayer. Text : Ezra 9:1-9. T he value of the temple offering Ezra brought to Jerusalem, in today's figures, would be nearly $2 million. An intense conviction of sin came over the Jews here in Jerusalem and Judea. Currently, we are airing five days a week, Monday-Friday, at 10:45am, Saturday at 11:00am, and Sunday at 9:00pm. Luke 18:13 would not even raise his eyes to heaven: The tax collector's reticence echoes Ezra's prayer upon hearing of the numerous mixed marriages in Jerusalem: "O my God, I am too ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to you, my God, for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has mounted up to the heavens . This was the third attempt to rebuild the city walls. The prayers found in the book of Ezra take place during a unique time in the history of Israel: the King of Persia sends Ezra to lead a large group of Jews back to their homeland after decades of exile. A number of commentators point out the importance of the way the law is introduced. . A spokesman for the people, Shecaniah (10:2), confesses the sin and proposes to Ezra that the people make a covenant to correct the sin. Nehemiah made his attempt thirteen years later. They had a very weighty responsibility. 1:6 along with Ezra's identificational repentance in Ezra 9:6-15 also seems to have released God's grace on a corporate level to move the community to weep openly and repent of their sins in Neh. 3 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and . Ezra's leadership included humility, courage, and, above all, a commitment to know and obey God. Cleanse me with the blood of your Son Jesus Christ and confirm me as your true child that is worthy of your benefits. The most common expression of fervency was fasting.. Read Full Article. Some call Ezra's prayer the "theological high point of the book." It . In Ezra 9, the priest Ezra serves as a remarkable example for us of how we ought to observe a day for prayer for a nation. Nehemiah's Prayer. We find Nehemiah's prayer right away in chapter one. 10.Daniel makes a prayer of repentance because he knows that God's law requires repentance in this circumstance. Ezra is an example of a person who sought to obey God and thereby please Him. His humble prayer of heartbroken repentance should still serve as a model for us today. True repentance comes from a love for God and a sincere desire to obey . Holy Scriptures and Israel Radio Ministry. Yet he proclaims that God has punished them less than their sins deserve (Ezra 9:13). Confession Prayers of Ezra, and Nehemiah. Some call Ezra's prayer the "theological high point of the book." It is . I don't think Ezra's prayer of confession and repentance sounded dead and lifeless (Ezra 9). Principles of True Repentance "For those who pay the price required by true repentance, the promise is sure. These two things always go hand in hand. And when the Lord sends revival to his people, the worship of God is restored and set in order. I would stand firmly on the assumption that Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane didn't flat-line when he offered it up (somehow "sweating drops of blood" doesn't evoke images of Christ praying a tranquil, serene, mellow prayer).

2. TODAY'S SPECIAL: Ezra 8-10; Psalm 47 TO CHEW ON: "And I said, 'O my God, I am too ashamed and humiliated to lift up my face to You, my God; for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has grown to the heavens.'" Ezra 9:6 Ezra was terribly distressed. 8:9-11 and 9:1-2, when Ezra .

Ezra's Prayer of Repentance - At the time of the evening sacrifice, I arose from my discouragement. Ezra became upset when it was discovered that the majority of the people had contaminated themselves and had married with those who . The fruit of that repentance is a renewed life of prayer, obedience and worship. Ezra intercedes as a mediator, a priest, between his people and God (Ezra 9:6-7). I pray that my spirit may be ever open to do Your will. Ezra's prayer recorded in this passage is so profound. Ezra, who had also been confessing Israel's sins (Ezra 9:5-15), both witnessed God's Spirit bringing conviction and repentance to the people following the public reading of God's word in chapters 8 and 9. Daniel 9:1-19 " 1 In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom -- 2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. We have lived . Ezra lived during the last period of Israel's captivity in Babylon and the . That Richview Baptist Church Cry out to God in repentance and prayer regarding a lack of obedience to the Great Commission by focusing with a renewed vision implementation plan to reach lost people in the community to become a church of 400 in the next five years. His body languagetorn clothes, pulled out hair, abject posturetells us that, even before we read the first words . Ezra 09:01-10:17: Ezra leads national repentance: Ezra 10:14: let now our rulers of the congregation stand: Neh 01:04-11: Nehemiah's prayer of repentance: Neh 05:01-13: Nehemiah abolishes usury: Neh 08:01-12: Ezra reads the law.

Prayer for Strength to Exercise Repentance. Ezra's Prayer of Repentance. You want a sinner to repent of his or her sins to obtain your grace of forgiveness; therefore, I submit to your feet today to ask for the forgiveness of my sins!
His tack produced nearly unanimous repentance. What does verse 1 say Ezra was doing? How is this kind of attitude different than the public "apologies" you hear about in the news? In chapter 8 we learn that Ezra and other leaders preached and taught the Scriptures . When there is a revival of true worship, there is revival in the hearts of God's elect. Questions to Consider: 1. Ezra's address is a penitent confession of sin, the sin of his people. Ezra's prayer confessed the sins of his people. Day 22: EZRA'S PRAYER OF REPENTANCE - Read Ezra 9:5-15. Zarubbabel and Joshua made the first attempt in Ezra 1-6 after their release from captivity. The reading of the law was no mere civil matter, but had to do with God. d. Ezra's deep mourning over the sins of the exiles led others to gather around him, see their own sins, and weep bitterly over them (10:1). Famous Prayers. The passage we've heard today is from Ezra's prayer of repentance - not so much personal repentance but, as a priest of God, he makes reparation for God's people and prays for the restoration of Israel. There are two key passages in the Mosaic Law related to confession. In chapter 9, Ezra prayed a beautiful prayer of repentance for Israel's corporate sin, which you may wish to briefly review, as it led to the events in chapter 10.What specific sin do chapters 9 and 10 deal with? Daniel 9: Daniel prays a prayer of repentance for the sins of Israel, noting God's mercy and ability to forgive. Holy shame is as necessary in true repentance as holy sorrow. June 5, 2018. Still in my torn garment and robe, I fell to my knees with my hands outstretched to the LORD my God, 6 and said, "My God, I am too ashamed and hurt to turn to you, because we're in our iniquities over our heads. We were led to pray Daniel's prayer of repentance (Daniel 9:2-19) as well. These 24 ministers were to protect God's temple wealth.

Ezra ends his prayer with a declaration that God is righteousand that the remnant of Israel is deserving of being wiped out (Ezra 9:13-15). I lift those in the Church who like Zerubbabel and Ezra, have the responsibility of . The first is found in Leviticus 16:21. Upon completion of the wall the people gather together to worship and hear the reading of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Rather, "As Ezra prayed, and as he confessed." (Vulg. Still in my torn garment and robe, I fell to my knees with my hands outstretched to the LORD my God, and said, "My God, I am too ashamed and hurt to turn to you, because we're in our iniquities over our heads. Ezra's humility. Study Nehemiah's prayer in verses 5 through 11. Repentance implies that a person turns away from evil and turns his heart and will to God, submitting to God's commandments and desires and forsaking sin. Why had God commanded His people not to commit this sin? Repent, Repentance. The high priest would take two goats and would cast . This is clearly set before us in David's prayer of repentance in Psalm 51:18-19. Protecting God's Treasure. This is the ritual of the scapegoat that took place at the Day of Atonement every year. Psalm 51: David's prayer after his adultery with Bathsheba is one of the most powerful prayers of repentance. Ezra is an example of a person who sought to obey God and thereby please Him. : "Orante Esdra et implorante." LXX. Ezra 9 opens with Ezra learning that the Israelites have intermarried with the idolaters in the land, and he responds to this unfaithfulness with a prayer of repentance, confessing sin (9:1-15). Along with Ezra 9 and Daniel 9, it is one of the great prayers of confession in the Bible. Chapters 7-10 then chronicle Ezra's second attempt in 458 B.C. Ezra's leadership included humility, courage, and, above all, a commitment to know and obey God. Again the law of the Lord is read for several hours, and then the Levites, perhaps led by Ezra, pray in repentance, asking God to take note of their subservience to a foreign king (9:5-38). Many peoplemen, women, and childrengathered in the temple, and they wept because of their sin. With God's help, our theme will be Ezra's example for us on National Prayer Day.
Furthermore, my God, our sins have grown as high as the heavens. The people agreed to reject their idolatrous marriages, and within a few weeks they had complied with the instructions. He's just received news from a friend that the survivors of the Babylonian captivity are in "great distress and reproach." . 5. Confession and Repentance (Ezra 7-10). Rebuild & Renew Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from . But let this be the comfort of true penitents, that though their sins reach to the heavens, God's mercy is in the heavens. True repentance involves confession and turning from sin. Bible References: Repentance Like Ezra, Nehemiah was a deeply repentant man. Prayer God's Engine Room Week 10 Ezra - YouTube Heavenly Father, thank You for the book of Ezra. c. Read Isaiah 52:13-15. Gary Smith: Ezra's strong negative reaction to this sin suggests that he thought God would deal very seriously with the people and might destroy the nation for this sin. In Bible times, fervency in prayer was often accompanied by outward expressions of repentance such as beating one's chest, tearing one's garments, and sitting in ashes or putting them on one's head. The book of Ezra is set in the period where Israel was in captivity for many years because of their sin. According to God, what is the one thing more appalling than sin?

v. 1-6 Many join Ezra's prayer of repentance, confess their sins, and promise to support his efforts to deal with the sin. I accept Your death as the penalty for my sin, and recognize that Your mercy and grace is a gift You offer to me because of Your great love, not anything I have done. He sent them to exile to bring them back to this place of repentance. Instead of strong-arming the Judeans into repentance, Ezra fasted, prayed and waited for the people to respond. June 03, 2018. Nehemiah made his attempt thirteen years later. 15 This opposition may be linked with vested interests. Ezra showed genuine humility when he realized that "we have forsaken Your commandments" and understood that, as a result, "we are before You, in our guilt, though no one can stand before You because of this!" (Ezra 9:10, 15). Cross-references. From the Life of Ezra Taft Benson. A change of mind and heart that brings a fresh attitude toward God, oneself, and life in general. "Chapter 5: Principles of True Repentance," Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson (2014), 76-88 "Chapter 5," Teachings: Ezra Taft Benson, 76-88. Look for the "three-legged stool" of repentance: mourning, confession and obedience. Even when we sin in the worst possible way, we can go to God with prayers of repentance.

Stephen was a man full of God's grace and power. Meshullam is mentioned later in v.29 as one of those guilty of wrongful marriage. Nehemiah's confessing his people's sins before God and asking God to forgive them on a corporate level in Neh. It's found in Ezra 9. The last in the series on the prayers of Old Testament character. The people responded to Ezra's prayer as they ought. In such a unique period, we might think the prayer would be so specific that they would offer us little to . Introduction. Still in my torn garment and robe, I fell to my knees with my hands outstretched to the LORD my God, 6 and said, "My God, I am too ashamed and hurt to turn to you, because we're in our iniquities over our heads. Ezra 9:6. Verse 1. Praying through Ezra 1:5. June 1, 2019. Response to Earnest Prayer B. Ezra's sincere and earnest prayer sparks a spontaneous revival among his hearers (Ezra 10:1).

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