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Shocking Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More. Alleged Illuminati pictures of Dr. Fauci, Bill gates, Ted Turner, Rockefeller, and George Soros have leaked. 581. Accordingly, Is Frederick Taylor Gates related to Bill Gates? 88% Upvoted. Much of this discussion revolves around today's gargantuan philanthropy, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundati … Backstage: the relationship between the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Health Organization, Part I: 1940s-1960s Public Health. The reason why Bill Gates is successful in life is due to his relationship with The Rockefellers. And Bill Gates, as we have seen, co-hosted a meeting on reducing the population with David Rockefeller in 2009. The names of some of the members are familiar figures: Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner. As you can see, Qanon posted about this event, with a picture from a different angle. But Bill Gates has an IQ of about 160 and a super duper rich daddy. William H. Gates, Sr., Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation John C. Bogle, founder and retired CEO of The Vanguard Group. Log in or sign up to leave a comment. By Sebastian Aguanno Jr. -April 26, 2020 Bill Gates' father is William H. Gates Sr., a Co-Founder of Preston Gates & Ellis (they had offices across the United States and China). According to Famous Kin, Bill's 7 th cousin 3 times removed is Nelson Rockefeller, the 41 st Vice President of the United States. Frederick Taylor Gates managed Rockefeller's charitable activities and was instrumental in the founding of the philanthropic Rockefeller Foundation, serving on its board of trustees until 1923, according to The Rockefeller Archive Center. Gates, in an interview. Eugenicist Bill Gates -- Bill Gates' advocacy for "death panels" has caused controversy amongst conservative commentators, but the real outrage behind the story has been completely overlooked - the fact that Gates is a hardcore eugenicist and has called for lowering the global population through vaccines which his foundation funds to the tune of billions. Rothschild Family, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Christine Grady, Tedros Adhanom, National Governors Association, CDC, WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are being prosecuted by the Government of The United States of America. Both Gates Sr. and Bill Gates have partnered with the Rockefeller family in academic settings to discuss global policy, most notably in 2009, when Gates and David Rockefeller joined with George . In his book, Showing Up for Life, Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates II, wrote about his admiration for the Rockefeller's and their philanthropy: "A lesson we learned from studying and working with the Rockefellers is that to succeed in pursuing audacious goals you need like-minded partners with whom to collaborate. Watch on LBRY / Minds / Flote Show Notes: Bill Gates: Few countries will get 'A-grade' for coronavirus response Event 201 Bill Gates's Charity Paradox Family Relationship of Bill Gates […] For example, there is a team of Harvard scientists who are openly experimenting with blocking out the sun to curb climate change. Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India's High Court . Bill Gates Sr. How wealthy was John Rockefeller? Worked With Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller-Financed Eugenics Movement in America By Sebastian Aguanno Jr. - April 26, 2020 9894 Bill Gates' father is William H. Gates Sr., a Co-Founder of Preston Gates & Ellis (they had offices across the United States and China ). That is, socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. . Gates Sr. has long-time ties to outspoken eugenicist David Rockefeller, as well as Planned Parenthood (which was founded by a member of the American Eugenics Society). He is an American investor, author, business magnate and a philanthropist. Mark of the Beast Is Here: Subcutaneous Quantum Dot "Vaccine Passports" from Bill Gates Are Ready to be Injected into Human Subjects Global Research / Ethan Huff All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the "Translate Website" drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).… Here he's in a group picture with Bill Gates Sr. behind him, and George Soros at center of group. Net worth Share on facebook Tweet on twitter. There's no escaping the fact that Bill Gates is a . Gates. Bill Gates Sr got to discuss global health, agriculture and environment with the likes of David Rockefeller Sr and David Rockefeller Jr at a meeting on "Philanthropy in a Global Century" at Rockefeller University campus in 2000. Shocking Image Surfaces of Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More. Also as a spoiled rich boy, he had access to the earliest computers. (RELATED: Have Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, The WHO And Others Been Charged With War Crimes?) Very true, having financial means is a very big part of the equation. Derrick Broze breaks down recent lies from Bill Gates, his involvement with Event 201, his relationship to the Rockefeller's, the Lock Step Simulation, and more. 92 comments. And there's the fuse to light the conspiracy dynamite. Third and fourth generations of the family now continue to build on philanthropic roots established by John D. Rockefeller, who, along with Andrew Carnegie, set . Bill Gates' father had strong connections with the Rockefeller family. Some of those companies are ExxonMobil, Chevron, what used to be Amoco (now part of BP), Atlantic Richfield (now parts of BP and Sunoco), Marathon Pe. Some of the accusations against Bill Gates are actually true. The Rockefeller family was recognized for its exceptional record of philanthropy over the last century. Genealogy chart showing how Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft) is the 7th cousin 3 times removed to Nelson Rockefeller (41st U.S. documentary will remember, Bill Gates, Sr. admitted in his 2009 book, Showing Up for Life, to basing the Gates' philanthrocapitalistic efforts on the Rockefeller Foundation's model. Inaugural Andrew Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy are awarded to Leonore Annenberg, Brooke Astor, Irene Diamond, William H Gates Sr, David Rockefeller, George Soros and Ted Turner at New York . From the get-go, Bill Gates was a bright kid. John D. Rockefeller died on May 23, 1937. William Avery " Devil Bill " Rockefeller Sr. (November 13, 1810 - May 11, 1906) was an American businessman, lumberman, herbalist, salesman, and con-artist who went by the alias of Dr. William Levingston. And they are funded, in part, by Bill Gates. Posted by 4 days ago. In 1994, the story goes, Bill Gates asked his father, William Gates Sr., to help him "improve reproductive and child health" by founding and leading the William H. Gates Foundation. WHO. Gates has ties to the Rockefeller family and Gates' father, William Gates, Sr. also has Rockefeller ties. Bill Gates' father, William Gates Sr., is co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a former board member for Planned Parenthood. The pair have been photographed with the Clintons, Bill Gates Sr., Bill Gates Jr., George Soros, David Rockefeller, and others. Bill Gates may be following Rockefeller and his philanthropy returns a profit like his shares in vaccines. Rockefeller's strongest frontman in the eugenics movement is Bill Gates. Bill Gates Ties To The Rockefellers Bill Gates' father had strong connections with the Rockefeller family. Bill Gates may be following Rockefeller and his philanthropy returns a profit like his shares in vaccines. Close. You have Bill Gates Sr., famous eugenicist and former head of baby killing corporation Planned Parenthood.

2014 Feb;128(2):129-40. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2013.11.010. Bill and Melinda Gates announced the end of their marriage in a tweet Monday,. Bill Gates is a frontman for the family and the satanic Elite. William Henry Gates II (November 30, 1925 - September 14, 2020), better known as Bill Gates Sr., was an American attorney, philanthropist, and civic leader. In this post you can see David Rockefeller: Twitter user @Mikebravodude found the event from 2001 that the images came from: Dr. Fauci with Leonore Annenberg, Brooke Astor, Irene Diamond, William H. Gates Sr., David Rockefeller, George Soros and Ted Turner. Teleconference: Need for strong Estate Tax. Going out on a limb not having a degree is the only thing most have in common with ol' Billy boy. save. He pretends to hand out money when in fact it is more like venture capitalism. Gates again.

Bill Gates Can't Escape the Facts. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated billions to the cause of improving global health, largely by sponsoring vaccine and agricultural programs in Third World countries.

Forbes editor Randall Lane explains why he sees. Dr. Shiva, MIT, Ph.D., "Shiva 4 Senate" started a petition to . The alliance between Gates and Rockefeller dates back decades. But today, GDP is about $21 trillion so to match Rockefeller, Bill has to accumulate $336 billion. Bill Gates Sr, Tony Fauci, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Bill Moyers, Hang Out Together, All Part of the Cabal. But there are others, too, like business giants . William H. Gates, Sr., accepted the award on behalf of the Gates family. The attendees - among them Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner and David Rockefeller -- were invite only and each was given 15 minutes to talk about a philanthropic problem. Bill Gates is a frontman for the family and the satanic Elite. Twitter user @Mikebravodude found the event from 2001 that the images came from: Dr. Fauci with Leonore Annenberg, Brooke Astor, Irene Diamond, William H. Gates Sr., David Rockefeller, George Soros and Ted Turner. Bill Gates, David Rockefeller Sr., Oprah Winfrey and other leading philanthropists met in secret New York this month to discuss ways to promote efforts to solve growing social problems. In the era before Roe v. Wade, he sat on the board of Margret…

He first an. Warren Buffett - 99 percent. A prominent banker and lawyer, William H. Gates Sr. was also deeply involved with politics and "philanthropy". What's unclear are his intentions around them. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci was photographed with a coterie of globalist elites in 2001 at the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy event. Very true, having financial means is a very big part of the equation. WHAT. The richest American ever is widely considered to be John D. Rockefeller, worth about $400 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars, or about 2% of the United States GDP. Truth2Freedom's Blog. Bill Gates — who illegally invests in the same industries he gives charitable donations to, and who promotes a global public health agenda that benefits the companies he's invested in — has gone on record saying life will not go back to normal until we have the ability to . In 2010, Bill Gates spoke at a TED convention, where he stated, While reproductive health care and birth control can obviously steer the population downward, how would health . Truth2Freedom's Blog. William H. Gates Sr. guides the vision and strategic direction of the Gates Foundation and serves as an advocate for the Foundation's key issues. The Global Influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Anna Burger, Secretary/Treasurer of Service Employees International . The reason why Bill Gates is successful in life is due to his relationship with The Rockefellers. Photos: Image Surfaces Of Dr. Fauci With George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & More (OPEN to see who's who!) The picture is alarming to a lot of people, because they wonder if Dr. Fauci has a But Bill Gates has an IQ of about 160 and a super duper rich daddy. Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates, Sr., was a prominent banker and a lawyer in Preston Gates & Ellis. As viewers of my Who Is Bill Gates? Behind the guise of philanthropy is the Rockefeller's history of warfare on humankind and interference in the economic and domestic affairs of free men, women, and sovereign nations worldwide. Study identifies Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller foundations among rich donors that are close to government and may be skewing priorities The German chancellor Angela Merkel and Bill Gates. Answer (1 of 3): Well….John D. Rockefeller owned at least 60% of the stock in each of the 30+ companies that grew out of the Standard Oil spinoff. Rockefeller's net worth was equal to 2.5 percent of the gross national product of the United States, vs one-half of 1 percent of the gross national product for Bill Gates. Today, he dedicates most of his time on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In an interview on the PBS program NOW with Bill Moyes (May 9, 2003), Moyes asked Gates how, given his background at Microsoft, he came to this champion this . Bill Gates, Philanthropy, & Social Engineering? Why does nobody ever talk about these things? Also as a spoiled rich boy, he had access to the earliest computers. He worked as a lumberman and then a traveling salesman who identified himself as a "botanic physician" and sold elixirs. Loosed on the world in 1839, John Davison Rockefeller Sr. was the son of William Avery "Big Bill" Rockefeller, a slick-as-elixir mountebank, and Eliza, a devout Baptist churchwoman. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated billions to the cause of improving global health, largely by sponsoring vaccine and agricultural programs in Third World countries. Bill Gates is one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the computer revolution and one of the world's wealthiest people. Yeah ive been on this mission to find the name of William Henry Gates the first, Bill Gates is enacting Rockefeller's Operation Lockstep, and a Dr Frederick T Gates was the head administrator . Foundation, were selected for their leadership in reaffirming an ethic of responsibility to the Gates Sr. agreed and by 2000, the Foundation was merged with the Gates Learning Foundation to become . As viewers of my Who Is Bill Gates? Following in the footsteps of John D. Rockefeller's and Andrew Carnegie's charitable foundations . You have George Soros, the main architect behind the New World Order along with David Rockefeller who was already admitted to be part of a global cabal. The headline read, "America's 30 Richest Own $3.68 Billion." Many of those on the list were landmark, well-remembered figures. share. - George Bush Sr. LINK . Bill Gates is not "new money" as many believe. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 192734. Fauci and the Gates clan move in the same circles as the America-hating social engineering billionaire George Soros [see photo below from 2001]. The unassuming government bureaucrat was present alongside such titans of globalism as Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, George Soros, and Bill Gates Sr. Records reveal that Gates Sr. was a board member of Planned Parenthood prior to the Roe v. The Gates family -- William H. Gates III, Melinda French Gates and William H. Gates Sr. -- who. Vice-President) via their common ancestor of Stephen Gifford. Microsoft founder Bill Gates was out in front of predicting a pandemic several years ago and stepped forward as a leader to use his fortune to help fund the development of a COVID-19 vaccine. . SEATTLE, NEW YORK -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation announced today that they will form an alliance to contribute to a "Green Revolution" in Africa that will dramatically increase the productivity of small farms, moving tens of millions of people out of extreme poverty and significantly reducing hunger.

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