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Coordination is one way of combining sentences to add variety to writing instead of only using. Coordination is the combining of sentences using coordinating . 2. "Sentence combining is a kind of linguistic Rubik's cube," says Donald Daiker, "a puzzle that each person .

Tiered Sentence Combining, ATLAS, ©2014 2 Purposes and Acknowledgements Tiered Sentence Combining is the result of contributions from Minnesota Student Achievement in Reading (MN STAR) participants over several years. The meaning of combine is to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters : merge.

Nero 1370764 We should consider a combined effort. The subject can be more than one person or thing—compound subject. Demonstrative Adjectives Descriptive Adjectives Compound Adjectives Opposite Adjectives Positive Attitude Adjectives Possessive . To take an example: 38 parts of indium combine with 35.4 parts of chlorine; hence, if the formula of the chloride be InCI, InC1 2 or InC1 3, indium has the atomic weights 38, 76 or 114.

She has known him for two years. Combine the two sentences using the second one as a relative clause. Notice the two independent clauses in green joined with the coordinating conjunction in red. Source_VOA 307676 They combined forces to fight the enemy. Becoming aware of three general types of sentences--simple, compound, and complex--can help you vary the sentences in your writing. Use sentence combining worksheets to practice how to combine sentences. Tumor coagulative necrosis combining with center liquefactive necrosis. I want hamburgers, but Lois wants pizza. The fans cheered. Here is an example of the word for used as a conjunction: I stayed up all night worrying, for my son was in the hospital. The barber cut my hair. Support: Provide these students with examples of two independent sentences to combine during paired time, and support them as needed. The clauses above contain a subject and a verb, and they finish the thought they have started; they are complete simple sentences. Sentence combining activities are generally regarded as an effective alternative to more traditional methods of teaching grammar. When the struggling nursery was about to go bankrupt, it decided to merge with the seed store since they both were in the same business. Or, have a student complete half the amount of sentences per assignment. The appropriate option (s) depend upon the context. For example: Joe made the sugar cookies; Susan decorated them. Examples of Compound Sentences: 1.

In this case, you must use a semicolon to join your two independent clauses. A compound sentence is a complete sentence that contains two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction, a semicolon, or a semicolon and a transitional word or phrase.

He stood by the table. I have seen all the Star Trek movies. 100 examples: The orientation of all polar hydrogens was systematically optimized through… Old‐growth forests are disappearing. Learn how to use Combining in a sentence and make better sentences with word `Combining` by reading from 1,341 Combining sentence examples. When combining sentences… Use coordinating conjunctions with a comma Such as and, but, or, so, for (meaning "because"), and yet 10 example of conjunction in a sentence Conjunctions allow you to create clear and elegant sentences.

Combining Sentences with Appositives Appositives can help writers to combine sentences in order to emphasize the most important points and write more concisely. Grammatically, 「のに」 is used exactly the same way as 「ので」. Part 1: Sentence Combining.

10 example of conjunction in a sentence Conjunctions allow you to create clear and elegant sentences.

Commas alone cannot join two complete sentences.

The seagull flew over my head and landed on the roof. CK 297032 He combines work with pleasure. One of my nieces is named Sally. 3. : For the suckling pig, in a small bowl, combine the Armagnac and raisins and set aside.

Sentence combining presents teachers with an alternative to traditional grammar instruction and holds greater promise for students to produce quality writing.
Get a quick overview of Combining Sentences using Preposition + Gerund or Noun from Conversion of Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences in just 4 minutes. to come together into one unit. When used properly, they can add depth to our writing. Use sentence combining worksheets to practice how to combine sentences. Combining simple sentences. Students should then complete sentence-combining examples in pairs or groups, with the instructor circulating through the class to check for student understanding. For the sake of variety, however, you will often want to combine simple sentences using coordination to create compound sentences. If you can combine simpler sentences into longer and more complex ones, your writing will have a lot more variety. Definition of Merge. (share the same structure) Coordinating Conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions allow you to link words, phrases, and clauses of equal . www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "combine" in a sentence It is a continuing challenge for government to combine the rights of the individual with the rights of society as a whole. Writing shorter sentences is an easy strategy for getting your thoughts down fast when you're writing first drafts, and for avoiding grammar mistakes, but in the end it weakens the effectiveness of your writing. Worksheets cover coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, and include answer keys.
Of course, the best strategy will depend on the sentences you're working with.

She is not only a teacher but also a writer. Examples: Joseph and his sister are going out to play in the snow. The new sentence may be a simple sentence, a complex sentence or a compound sentence. It makes your job easier to make sure the expressions that the conjunctions combine are the same. 1) The woman is my English teacher. / Combine two sentences using a participle. Combining Sentences—Compound Subjects and Verbs You know that a sentence has a subject and a verb. January 24, 2017 - Study the following sentences. For example: This batch of mushroom stew is savory and delicious. How to use combine in a sentence. Sometimes two sentences can be combined without needing to make a compound sentence. BUT when combining two nouns or verbs, you don't need a comma.

ACT and SAT Punctuation 101: Combining Sentences. The storm came without notice, and the people scrambled to avoid getting wet.

We structure coordinating clauses in these ways to avoid creating run-on sentences and comma splices.. A run-on sentence is a mistake that occurs when two independent clauses are combined without using any conjunctive words or punctuation marks.Our first example sentence at the beginning of the handout (The data are inconclusive the researchers will repeat their experiment) illustrates this . We can combine these two simple sentences into a single compound sentence.

Here is a list of some common transition word that can be helpful for writer to use the word to link two sentences. He taught me how to bunt a baseball. In this lesson we will learn the different techniques used to combine two simple sentences into another simple sentence. Example: Begin with two independent clauses: The team captain jumped for joy. 1. Notice that the word "that" is used in three of the examples above, and when it is used as it is in the examples, "that" replaces the comma which would be necessary without "that" in the sentence. Pour the fig dressing into the pan, stirring to combine with the meat juices, then drizzle around the liver and serve. In the case of coordination, both sentences are complete and can stand independently on their own; however, combining them . Example sentences with the word merge. ".

There is only one rule to remember about using subordinate conjunctions: A subordinate conjunction performs two functions within a sentence. I understand the pieces but how… As skill increases, ask students to combine three or more. They are not close friends. He aced all of his classes.

The class whined and complained. " They combined their ideas to go up against last year's winner. Combining Sentences Written by tutor Allia S. The ability to combine sentences correctly is a key step to expressing an individual's ideas and heading towards a better understanding and utilization of the English language. Guide to Transition Words and Sentence Samples. she has known him for two years, they are not close friends. She is a teacher. Sarah walked to class, but Kevin ran.

Notice the preceding sentence, for example. Because introduces the reason for a situation.Em. Combining Sentences and Inserting Phrases Combining Sentences Short sentences are often effective; however, a long, unbroken series of them can sound choppy. Combine independent clauses and sentences with the same subjects and verbs.

Combined Sentence with Appositive: Mr. Jones, my coach, taught me how to bunt a baseball. In a large bowl, combine the oats, sugar, raisins, chopped nuts, cinnamon and salt. Some instructors warn that starting a sentence with a coordinating conjunction is incorrect. She is a teacher and a writer. Although. One last thing to note is that if the dependent clause comes after the independent one . 1. It always makes a complete thought. You can choose one of two methods: Join two independent clauses with a semicolon. 0 It follows therefore that two hydrocarbon radicals are bound to the carbon monoxide residue with the same strength as they combine to form a paraffin.

Exercise. Provide cued examples of critical information by underlining specific words within the sentences. Sentences can be simple, compound, or complex; you can even have a compound-complex sentence. Combining Sentences.

A comma is often used after the linking word(s). In this lesson we will learn the different techniques used to combine two simple sentences into another simple sentence. to come together into one unit. Sentence combining is the process of joining two or more short, simple sentences to make one longer sentence.

Combining sentences using coordination allows you to write compound sentences. With that said, many ESL students face difficulties when understanding the "rules" of sentence combining. Combining Sentences: Green, Red, or Yellow Light? Examples: Jim enjoys skiing.

Begin sentence combining lessons with oral practice. . He was examining some papers. For example, wood substitutes and recycled materials are becoming more available. 2. He eats macaroni, but he won't eat cheese. Subordinating conjunctions are essential parts of complex sentences with include at least two clauses, with one of the clauses being main (independent) and the other being subordinate (dependent).. Pair a student who needs support with a student who understands . Example: Still, the sun is slowly getting brighter and hotter, and it will eventually enter the red giant phase.

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